
drawing #22: just think about it.


WHEN: Helping kids use RPG Maker, a program that makes customized Zelda-style roleplaying video games - a program which has become the new hotness at work. I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with the drawing.

WHAT IT MEANS: I was looking through Flickr groups of cartoons and characters yesterday (I especially like this one and this one) and got inspired. Now, apparently, I have monsters on the brain. And I'm amazed at the amount of talent that's just floating around in the internet.


Da Morgue said...

how you doing? thanks for the comment!
your spanglish is pretty good, actually...
have you ever studied in an art school before? it seems so... you're drawings are so funny [i'm sorry if my english sucks...]

Unknown said...

I minored in art in college, but I learned all I know about drawing from being bored mindless in school. I do most of my drawings now at work - and since I work with kids, I think the humor comes from them.

And your English is far better than my Spanish, my friend...